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List Figures Catalogue by Manufacturer 4Ground Adler Alien Dungeon Alpha Forge Alternative Armies Army Painter Artizan Designs Battlefront Miniatures Black Cat Conflix Copplestone Castings Crusader Customeeple Dark Age Games Dark Sword Masterworks Denizen Dream Pod 9 Eden Studios Escenorama Essex Miniatures Eureka Miniatures Fenryll Fight's On GaleForce Nine Gamecraft Gamer's Grass Great Escape Games Grendel Grim Reaper Castings Gripping Beast Ground Zero Games Grumpy's Miniatures H&R Hawk Wargames Holistic Hovels i-Kore Javis Manufacturing K&M Trees Knight Models Lucid Eye Publications M.Y. Mantic Mithril Miniatures Modiphius Entertainment Mongoose Publishing Naismith Navwar North Star Oakbound Studio Palladium Pegasus Hobbies Perry Miniatures Plast Craft Games Plastic Soldier Privateer Press Prodos Games Rackham RAFM Ral Partha Reaper Renedra Role 4 Initiative Roundway Rubicon Models Sarissa Precision Scotia Silver Fox Productions Spartan Games Studio Tomahawk Tactical Miniatures The Square (Revo Flags) TimeCast Buildings Vallejo Veni Vidi Vici Vesper-On Games Victrix War Banner Wargames Factory Warlord Games Warmill Wyrd Miniatures Ziterdes |
[WGF-HM005] AWI Continental Infantry
Was £18.00, Now £12.00 In each box you will receive 24 multi-part Continental soldiers in addition to a command sprue consisting of 2 officers, a sergeant, a colour bearer, a fifer and enough plastic bases for each miniature. All of the parts are interchangeable with our other American War of Independence kits creating highly customizable options. |
5% over £50 10% over £100 These volume discounts are in addition to sale and special offer prices. Related Tags |
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